1. Sign-up with a one-time registration.
  2. Sign-in and click on “ASSETS DISPLAYED” on the menu bar to view the items to be disposed of.
  3. Click on place a bid to enter your bid amount.
  4. A pop-up will appear after placing your bid to confirm your bid amount, click ok to confirm your bid.
  5. You are advised to refresh your bid page from time to time after entering your bids to see if you have been outbid. You can also check your inbox for instant messages when a bid higher than your bid is received as a prompt for you to go back and compete.
  6. Highest bidder while the auction is ON, does not imply you have won, you must compete till the time elapses, the last possible bid received at the point of bid closing, will be selected by the system as the WINNER. Bids are captured in milliseconds, thus be mindful that most bidders will compete aggressively during the closing seconds of a bid.
  7. You can view bid history by clicking on “Bid History” to see how bids were entered competitively for a particular asset.
  8. When a bid ends, click on MY order on your home page to see the asset you bided for and confirm if you’re the winning bid.
  9. A message will be sent your e-mail on the payment modalities
  10. You’re to pay 10% of any winning bid as buyer’s fees and pay 7.5% of the buyer’s fees as VAT for the asset.

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