Auctioning Services
Kamyus Consult Limited is a registered auction company with years of success experience in the saddle. We have in the past carved a niche for our self and have received commendation from both National and International bodies as a reputable, competent and reliable company. Kamyus Consult Limited Auctioneers specialize in the sale of Government items/properties i.e., Disposal serviceable and unserviceable items such as vehicles, earth moving equipment, Obsolete store items and real estates like houses and land. We have a long-standing background in the sale of government and commercial properties, being licensed in Nigeria.
We make bidding at our auction’s fun and exciting, bringing in more money for our clients. Auction is the only sale method that can actually achieve more than the asking price by obtaining the true market value for your property. Auctions should be considered as the “first” resort, not the

“last” method of marketing one’s assets. Our main goal is to get as many buyers competing as possible; the more buyers, the more competition, the higher the price. The key to marketing is to be able to adapt to technology. It is constantly evolving and to stay relevant, you have to change with it.
At Kamyus Consult Limited, we make auctioning more profitable and successful than all other methods of asset disposal and therefore a preferred option for our customers. Our range of services are unparalled in Nigeria, with Live Physical Auctions, Live Simulcast Auction, Internet Timed Auctions, inventory and cataloging of assets for auctions, asset logistics, secure handing of payments and much more.
Kamyus Consult Limited’s capabilities are based on three core principles:
- Multiple auctions and purchasing options for sellers and buyers.
- Professional management of the customer’s asset inventory including cataloging, storage and pick-up of assets.
- Efficient and transparent auctioning of assets enabled by our best-in-class technology.
If you intend to buy or sell Motor Vehicles, Furniture’s, Fixtures & Fittings, Electronic Equipment’s, Real Estate, or Plant & Machinery, a good deal is a primary incentive. Kamyus Consult Limited guarantees quality products at the right price for the buyers and the best price for the sellers.
Now, you have the right place to find them both. With the wide range of options available, Kamyus Consult Limited gives you unrivalled opportunity to make the right choice in minutes at transparent prices.
When you choose Kamyus Consult Limited, you will have access to some of the top experts in the Nigeria. Our people know the auction business, and we have managed some of the most complex and sensitive transactions imaginable. We will put together a team to value your assets, advise you on the best disposition strategy, develop a marketing plan, conduct the sale or auction, and take care of all the details. We will use every resource of our company to make sure your auction is handled impeccably.
We are committed to building upon the success of the past by maintaining an ongoing quality assurance program. By undertaking new initiatives, we will strengthen our ability to compete in an increasingly competitive and complex marketplace.

Projects completed for our respected clients.

Experienced professionals serving to clients.

Years experience in business & consulting.

Business & consulting awards won over world.
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