HSE Policy


KAMYUS CONSULT is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, reducing any impact our operation might have on the environment and providing the information, training and supervision to all employees and contractors needed to achieve this. Company will take responsibility for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) procedures, however employees need to be aware of their responsibilities and comply with the company Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures. Each employee is encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and caring for our environment through: ·

  • Being involved in the workplace Health, Safety and Environment system.
  • Sticking to correct procedures and equipment use.
  • Wearing protective clothing and equipment as and when required.
  • Ensuring all accidents and incidents are reported immediately.
  • Helping new employees, trainees and visitors at the workplace to understand the right procedures and why they exist.
  • Telling your manager immediately of any health, safety or environmental concerns, if any.
  • Keeping the work place clean and organized to minimize the risk of any accidents or mishaps.
  • Act responsibly to minimize the damage to the environment, where we operate.

HSE Management System 

Kamyus Consult, values its employees, contractors, customers and the environment and communities in which we operate and live. We are committed to complying with Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) laws and the voluntary standards to which our organization subscribes. We act on our responsibilities to identify and remove potential and recognized risk to a healthy and safe workplace. To achieve this we develop and implement HSE management system. The Kamyus Consult HSE management system is to support the company HSE Policy and provide the basic guidelines to ensure that the HSE Policy is successfully implemented throughout organization.

Commitment and Leadership 

  • Management shall provide strong visible commitment, leadership and personal involvement in Health, Safety and Environment.
  • HSE policy is reviewed once in every two years by Kamyus Leadership Team (KLT) and approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
  • All the divisions will integrate the HSE requirements into their business and site management systems and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  • Management shall make available the resources necessary to achieve our HSE objectives.
  • Management will understand how they influence the HSE culture within their area of responsibility, demonstrate that HSE issues are important to them, seek to continually improve HSE performance and lead by example.

HSE Policy and its Objectives

It is the policy of Kamyus Consult Limited not only to comply with Heath, Safety and Environmental measures required by law, but to conduct its business in a manner that minimize negative impact to the public employees, customers and overall environment.

This policy will be accomplished through the attainment of the following objectives:

  1. Prevention of all avoidable negative impacts on all employees and on the environment through its proactive management system.
  2. Application of sound Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) programme.
  3. Integration of HSE aspect into company’s management system.
  4. Promotion of interest and awareness in HSE issues through adequate training that underscores each individual’s responsibility for sound company’s environmental management.
  5. Ensuring that HSE matters are line management responsibility and shall be given equal importance as other business objectives.  Every Kamyus Consult Limited employee must plan and perform his or her duties in accordance with this HSE policy.
  6. Maintaining environmental assessment programmes to monitor compliance with company policy and government laws and regulations.
  7. Collaborating with government agencies and industry groups in developing practical, economically feasible and scientifically based environment laws and regulations and industrial standards.
  8. Encouraging all employees to recycle at work and at home.
  9. Everybody in the company must plan and perform his or her duty in accordance with this HSE policy.
  10. An activity must be suspended when the employee believes that it cannot be performed in accordance with this policy and he or she must report this immediately to his or her supervisor. Furthermore, Kamyus Consult Limited expect its employees on their part to recognize that equally there is a clear duty on them to exercise self-discipline and accept responsibility to do everything they can do to prevent injury to themselves, others, environment and loss to the company.
  11. The company also ensures that its contractors/suppliers abide by similar standards in respect of their working at the company’s branches or locations.

Implication of the Policy Statement and its Objectives

The policy statement implies that:

  1. HSE matters shall be carried out in full compliance with applicable Nigerian Legislation and guidelines of regulatory agencies such as Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Federal Ministry of Solid Minerals and the company will;
  2. Continue to develop and implement procedures and code of safe working practices.
  3. Provide training in safe working methods, safety requirements and healthy working conditions for employees at all levels so as to ensure their effective participation and contribution as individuals.
  4. Maintain system for reporting and controlling safety performance and strive to monitoring and assessing health of workers and the impact of its activities on the environment.
  5. Undertake all operations with proper regards for the environment and strive to reduce environment risk to a level that is as low as practicable by ensuring that effluent and waste discharged into surface water, air and on land are within the limit sets by the regulating agencies.

The Environmental Policy has the support and commitment of senior management and will be reviewed at least once every two years. The policy is included in induction programs and made readily available to all employees, contractors and visitors by display in prominent locations at the Mining.

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