Mining Services

Kamyus Consult offers the expertise of its world-class consultants to evaluate the feasibility of projects in the mining industry.  We start with a conceptual study by analysing the resources and process using our unique knowledge to conceptualise the project and preparing realistic capital and operations costs in order to generate project economic evaluations investors can depend on with high levels of confidence.  The project may advance to a comprehensive, bankable feasibility study which delivers a more in-depth evaluation and financial viability of the project.

Kamyus Consult provides tailor-made consulting services across the full geological spectrum: We engage high calibre Senior Geological Consultants and use our on-going international affiliations to help support our team providing unique geological solutions anywhere in Nigeria. Client requests are handled fast and with the topmost of confidentiality.

Metal Ore Mining

Kamyus Consult provides the services needed to determine the viability of new mining projects. We offer our services to the metal industries as gold, lead, copper, silver, zinc and heavy sands mining, including:

  • Analysis of reserves, exploration and minerals testing
  • Technical feasibility, energy efficiency, and environmental studies
  • Maintenance and process audits for the optimization of mining operations.
  • Mine planning and design
  • Implementation of safety plans and procedure
  • Operational improvement and management consulting
  • Economic, market, and financial studies

Metallurgical Processes

Kamyus Consult offers extensive experience to your metallurgical processes and operations. Our team consists of industrial metallurgical experts who are highly qualified and capable to investigate and find solutions to improve your existing operations. We will provide an independent assessment of our findings and recommendations in a thorough and clear report.

We have considerable knowledge in extractive metallurgy. Our workforce has many years of experience in the physical and chemical processes for the separation and concentration of raw materials and have provided engineering to cover all aspects of this operation from crushing and grinding the ore to concentrating, smelting, casting, and refining processes.

We have demonstrated leadership when providing material characterization studies for the extraction of metal ores. Minerals deposits are analyzed using state-of-the art microscopy technologies and computer software to identify and determine ore deposits for metals manufacturing.

We have been active participants in projects that involved areas of hydro-metallurgical and pyro-metallurgical treatment of various types of ores for the benefaction and recovery of copper, gold, silver, platinum, zinc, lead manganese, uranium, vanadium, zirconium, molybdenum, nickel and the rare earths.

Our experts in the field of lead processing have in-depth knowledge in lead production, smelting of lead materials, refining, and material design. Our services have been provided with an understanding of the environmental impact when establishing processing parameters. We have participated in environmental improvement projects, major plant expansions and modifications, including smelters, ductwork, barge unloading facilities and truck loading stations

We offer the following services in the mining sector 

  • Search
  • Scoping Studies/Reconnaissance
  • Pre-feasibility Studies
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Tenement Management
  • Sampling Programmes
  • Property Appraisal and Evaluation
  • Reporting exploration results
  • Resource & Reserve Reporting
  • Resource & Reserve Estimation
  • Minimum Work Programm
  • Progress Report
  • Quarterly Report
  • Mine Plan & Design
  • Processing of Mineral Titles
  • Community Development Agreement
  • Fuel Storage Facility
Projects completed for our respected clients.
15 +
Experienced professionals serving to clients.
7 +
Years experience in business & consulting.
1 +
Business & consulting awards won over world.
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