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EFCC Auction

Kamyus Consult lead auctioneer Duze Kamal with RiHaGo Auction Chief Auctioneer Mr. Seyi Morgan second right, EFCC staff first left and right and NUDPR staff second left on board MT Techne for the disposal of petroleum product forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria at NNS Delta.

Live Auctioning of Marble factory in kwara state

The lead auctioneer of Kamyus Consult conducting a live auction of a Marble factory in Ilorin Kwara State on the 18/8/2023.

Live Auctioning of Plot of Land in Kwara State

The lead auctioneer of Kamyus Consult conducting a live auction of a plot of land in Ilorin Kwara State on the 18/8/2023.

Live Auctioning of Forfeited Vehicles in 2022 for EFCC

A recap of the EFCC live auction of forfeited vehicles in Lagos Zonal office, Ikoyi Lagos State.

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